About Us

What is Cleaningsupplyreview?

Cleaningsupplyreview is a product review website to help searchers find their desired product of cleaning goods. We believe to stay healthy and sound cleaning goods are necessary for every step of life. That’s why we are here to serve the communities providing high-quality a wide range of cleaning supply goods reviews. Our collections of products are from various reputed e-commerce websites. Our selection is from very basic cleaning essentials to advanced deep cleaners. We have a team of experts in this niche to make and help our readers shop more easily and cost-effective way.

Board of Review

We know finding honest and trustworthy information on the internet is a bit difficult and confusing. Because of misleading and personal opinions, we get confused easily. That’s the point where we come around with honesty and integrity. Our board of expert team has in-depth knowledge to justify cleaning supply products. Especially in cleaning and supply industry items. We know what a purchase means to a customer.  As we care about our readers, we always try to make them happy with their valuable purchases.

How we review a product

We start by conducting research diving into the top sources currently available on the internet about cleaning and supply items. This search includes What Hi-Fi, Independent, Consumer Reports, CNET, and many others. After we scraped or gather data from this reputed and trusted source we refine them and make a shortlist. Then I conduct real buyer experiences or buyer reviews. We use our own system to identify unnatural reviews. We don’t count a review or buyer experiences that seem unnatural. After that, we combine both results and make a shortlist again. This ultimate refinement lets us find some interesting and very effective products for a specific niche. The whole process of finding products to review takes us a few days.

Which Product we Pick

We pick the best of the best. As we said in the previous section, we refine so many customers’ reviews and opinions of real users. Sometimes for a product to review, we may need our own user experiences. In those cases, we collect that particular product and take the experience of use. We also experience that so many products don’t have exact product descriptions. To make them market some unnecessary attributes and descriptions were added. So, to make a product review which is very important to you, we try to explain the exact merits and demerits. So, to make a valuable purchase in each review from us, you will be able to choose the one that suits you best.

Our Creative Team:

Jane Austin

Founder & Chief Editor (NewYork, USA πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ)

Jane Austin is our head of content development. She has in-depth knowledge of cleaning goods and accessories. Jane Austin spends 8 years in this specific niche to make people’s life more hygienic and clean.

When it comes to product about cleaning and their origin. Her name comes first because of her expertise and knowledge about this kind of product. 

Charles Dickens

Cleaning hacks content creator (California, USA πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ)

Charles is another addition to our creative team. He has been working in hygiene and cleaning goods for almost 5 years. He has the digital skills to refine data from different sources. His creative writing and making product review information like crystal clear to the readers. Charles’s contribution to making people’s life with cleaning supplies and product reviews is undoubtedly praiseworthy.

George Eliot

Reviewer & Fact Checker (Toronto, Canada πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦)

George Eliot wrote reviews and content to help people for almost 6 years with cleaning goods. When it comes to finding new product data to evaluate George Eliot is like a dog with the bone. Her curiosity for knowledge is unmeasured. With high ethics and honesty in her reviews and works he become our favorite person.

For further any query, feel free to Contact Us or hit direct mail: admin@cleaningsupplyreview.com to our expertise.